This blog chronicles the shenanigans of two NYC SHOW-STOPPERS as they entertain themselves through fleeting, fun, yet ultimately futile attempts to overcome their boredom with corporate America, and life in general.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Is Special K Also She-Ra?

I am quite convinced that Special K may, in fact, be a Superhero walking among us. My best evidence to date hinges on her fantastic array of glamorous accessories--and specifically her bangles. (For those of you who don't know her, Special K is to handbags and gold jewelry what Max Brenner is to chocolate.)

* Exhibit A: She typically rocks a festive wreath of gold around her neck, or sometimes a bent Egyptian scepter that must weigh 25 lbs, and yet she maintains her ladylike posture for the entire night.

* Exhibit B: She usually sports a glitzy-n-glimmering or orange snakeskin handbag that has its own zip code, the purpose and contents of which always remain a mystery.

* Exhibit C: She is almost always adorned with an entire forearm full of gold bangles that could easily meld into a She-ra cuff when no one is looking. Plus she has She-Ra hair.

Special K has never actually revealed her secret Superhero status to me, although one night I swear she came close: We were (once again) at the No Malice Palace when Special K dramatically made a grand, flailing gesture with both hands and her turquoise bangle collided with a corner of the bar, causing it to split in half--just like that. Crack! The thing split into two parts like the fucking Red Sea.

Special K looked as if her Superhero powers might be endangered and shouted, "Oh no! I'm HULKING out of my JEWELRY!"

Two bewildered dudes by the door looked as if they'd seen a ghost. I heard them mumbling speculations later on and am pretty sure they said something about a lightening bolt.

Special K never mentioned the incident again and I have decided to respect her anonymity by outing her suspected Superhero status in our blog.

1 comment:

MmmmYah said...

Love your blog

Here's our superhero link... how serendipitous ;)